A treatment is expected that will completely eliminate migraine pain, which negatively affects the social life of many people. However, pain can be temporarily eliminated or reduced with drug treatments or migraine botox. Apart from these treatments, which have limited effects, it is important to stay away from the factors that trigger migraine attacks.

Botox injection, which is used to reduce migraine pain, is applied to certain areas of the head. It is usually given to the points on the forehead, temple and nape areas.
Thus, sudden attacks are prevented. Botox prevents the feeling of pain by suppressing the nerves that cause pain. It is recommended by experts to get through the seasonal transitions painlessly and comfortably.

Although it does not completely eliminate migraine, the effects of botox treatment can last up to 4 months. If it is known in which periods the attacks come, it will be effective to take action before these periods. It is recommended to have it done at least every 6 months. Although it is hard to believe for many people, stopping the attacks that make life difficult for a while is seen as a very savior.

Migraine makes itself felt with very severe pain. But it should not be confused with a severe but normal headache. Migraine, which is felt with chronic attacks, causes symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, hypersensitivity to sound and light, weakness, loss of appetite, as well as severe headache. Symptoms are indicative of the presence of migraine. In such cases, you are expected to see a neurologist for a correct diagnosis.

Botox and similar procedures cannot be performed during pregnancy and lactation. The use of migraine drugs should also be discontinued during this period. For this reason, it would be appropriate for women who want to have a comfortable pregnancy period to have Botox before pregnancy. Since its protective effect will last for 4 or 6 months, attacks are not seen in this period of pregnancy.

It is generally applied to people who have chronic migraine problems, have severe pain attacks and are over 18 years old. It is often preferred as it has no known significant side effects. It does not harm the skin or muscles.

Botox treatment for pain attacks is only effective in migraine pain, it does not affect other types of headaches. It is applied to prevent migraines for only a few months.

It is recommended to consume plenty of water to prevent the onset of migraine attacks. Cold applications to the head area can reduce the severity of the pain. Rubbing the temples with lavender oil is another measure.

Migraine symptoms, which can be seen even in childhood, can be difficult to recognize. Although it can be seen in the first 3 years, migraine attacks in children younger than 7 years old are 1-3 percent. In adolescents, this rate rises to 5-10 percent. Attacks occur mostly between the ages of 20-30.

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