Shaping the jaw with filling, which is done without surgical procedure, is done by injection method. In order for the jawline to gain the desired form, a filler is injected under the skin from the areas deemed suitable. However, before starting this procedure, a temporary loss of sensation is achieved by applying local anesthesia to the area to be treated. With a short-term procedure, you can achieve your new chin appearance.

The procedure is applied in a single session to determine the jaw line and reveal a more ideal face shape. However, in some cases, additional applications may be required and the person may be reprocessed for this reason.

The ideal chin structure is designed with the filling process for people who have a back chin, whose facial features are not clear, who have sagging under the chin, who have insufficient chin volume, and who have an asymmetric chin structure. The desired chin image maintains its permanence for a while.

Fillers stay on the skin for a period of 6 months to 2 years, then begin to melt. The melting time varies according to your skin structure. However, the permanence is slightly higher in the filling processes made with the fat injection method. As a result, it would be wrong to expect the permanence obtained by surgical operations from the filling process. Hyaluronic acid fillers melt in a shorter time than fat injection.

It is necessary not to wash the face for the first 3 hours after the procedure, and to avoid contact with the treated area for 24 hours. During the first 3 days, you should avoid contact with heat, protect yourself from the sun, and not do heavy sports.

The jawline process sits between 7 and 15 days and shows its natural effects. During this period, edema and swelling go down, and the filling material spreads to the area that needs to be spread.

It is important to be over the age of 18 as puberty is expected to be completely over and the face set. Anyone over the age of 18 can have jawline fillers.

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