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Cheekbone and Cheek Filling

Cheekbone filling or cheek filling is a filling process that is generally performed using anti-allergic fillings and is based on preserving the natural appearance of the face. While filling the cheekbones and cheeks, care is taken to ensure that the cheeks appear in harmony with the general facial appearance. With the cheekbone filling process, it is possible to have more prominent cheeks and to improve the harmony of the cheek and nose line.


Hyaluronic acid is generally used in the cheekbone filling process. Hyaluronic acid is a filler with a rejuvenating effect. In addition to hyaluronic acid, in some cases, adipose tissue taken from certain parts of the person is injected into the cheekbone area of ​​the person.

Which filler is used in the filling process brings with it some changes. It is possible to complete the procedures with this filler in between 15 and 20 minutes, but in the filling processes using adipose tissue, the time varies and takes about 60 minutes. Because liposuction (the process of removing fat from the patient) is applied before such fillings.


There are different techniques and types of cheekbone filling process. People who want the permanence of the cheekbone and cheek filling to last for many years, turn to surgical filling procedures. The cheek can be plumped with adipose tissue transfer, which is a surgical option. Fat tissue taken from any part of the body is made suitable for the face after various processes and transferred to the deformed cheek area. In this process, the desired result is obtained by injecting oil into the targeted area.
Permanent cheek augmentation surgery is performed under local anesthesia. Washing and centrifugation processes are applied to the fat tissue taken from the body. This fat prepared for the procedure is transferred to a special injector that varies according to the area to be injected, and the process begins. The operation is completely done by injection and there is no scar because no incision is made. The permanence of the procedure depends on the condition of the fat tissue removed from the body. With the help of special devices, it is aimed to minimize tissue loss by completely cutting the contact with the air during the transfer of the fat taken from the body to the relevant part. This has a significant impact on the permanence of the process.
After the cheek augmentation surgery, which can take approximately 30 to 60 minutes, cold compresses can be applied with ice-filled bags to prevent swelling. After the cheekbone filling surgery, which is a type of plastic surgery that will not affect daily life, it is possible to return to routine life immediately.


Cheekbone filling has a permanent effect of 6 to 18 months. Filling processes vary according to the physical conditions of the person who is applied.
The skin structure of the person
● Type and amount of filler used during the process
● The person's smoking, alcohol, etc. using status


People who have cheekbone and cheek filling can continue their daily life 1 day after the operation. Unlike other filling procedures, side effects such as edema, swelling and bruising are not seen in cheekbone filling. There may be minor rashes that may occur after the procedure, but since these rashes will not be bothersome, they will not affect daily life.
People who have cheekbone filling or cheek filling should not wear make-up for at least a few days.


Gynecomastia and breast cancer symptoms are similar. For example, in both cases, firmness, tenderness and discharge can be seen on the nipple. Therefore, physician control and treatment is essential.

Gynecomastia, which causes pain, sensitivity or psychological problems, is removed by surgery. The breast tissue is removed by a surgical procedure. The operation is completed smoothly by making small incisions. In these operations, if there is excess fat tissue along with the breast tissue, liposuction is also included.

Male breast enlargement seen in infancy and childhood resolves spontaneously. 85-90% of breast enlargements seen in adolescent boys can be overcome without treatment. The continuation of these cases in adulthood or male breast enlargement that begins in adulthood makes surgery necessary.

It is most common in men in adolescence or old age. Because its causes vary, it can be seen at different ages, including infancy.

It is generally a hormonal health problem. It is caused by an increase in the hormone estrogen. It can be seen for many different reasons. For example, some drugs used, harmful habits such as alcohol and substance use can cause gynecomastia. It can be triggered by certain diseases that lower testosterone levels.

Gynecomastia does not go away with sports. The growing breast tissue can only be destroyed by surgery. Male breast enlargements, which are seen with the deposition of adipose tissues in the breast area, can be dissolved with sports. Because this indicates false gynecomastia.

The softness of the growing breast tissue in men may be a complaint of fake gynecomastia. Pseudo gynecomastia can be seen if no firmness is observed in the nipple area, if weight is gained or lost, or if the muscles have melted due to the person's sports history.

Breast enlargement seen in men may be due to adipose tissues or breast tissues. In growths caused by gynecomastia, stiffness, swelling, tenderness and pain are felt in the lower part of the nipple. There may be discharge from the nipple.

Growths seen in people who gain weight due to fat storage are soft and may melt. Growths originating from fatty tissues are not gynecomastia.

It means more breast growth than it should be in men. It can be seen unilaterally or can occur in both breasts. Breast tissue growing for hormonal reasons can cause visual anxiety and panic in men.

Cheekbone filling price 2021

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