It can be applied for aesthetic purposes when there are mild or moderate distortions in the teeth, on implants in missing teeth, in cases where fillings cannot be applied to broken teeth, caries, and for teeth with discoloration.

The porcelain veneer process begins with the impressions taken from the original teeth. A special size porcelain leaf is produced for each tooth. The tooth surface and tartar are cleaned and a suitable surface is created for the bonding of the veneers. Then, the porcelain veneers produced are placed on the teeth with a special adhesive and the process ends.

Porcelain veneer procedures are applied as three sessions spread over 5-7 days. In short, it is completed within a week.

Porcelain veneers, which are preferred by those looking for more economical solutions in veneers, are also suitable for long-term use. Satisfaction occurs as a result of factors such as the skill of the doctor performing the application and the quality of the material used.

Recommendation of veneer over a certain age is related to bone development. Generally, it is ideal to be applied over the age of 18-20. Because before this age, changes and gaps may occur in the teeth. However, porcelain veneer can be applied to every age group in single tooth fractures.

Porcelain tooth coating, which is one of the most effective applications that structure the teeth in terms of aesthetics, is also preferred because of its durability. It is an effective and durable material for many dental restorations, from repairing broken teeth to covering discolored teeth. Veneers, which are preferred with their long-lasting use, are applied for people who want a new tooth appearance.

Porcelain laminate veneers are strongly bonded. They are prepared and applied with a meticulous technique to make them look like natural teeth. Therefore, it can be used for many years and is not likely to fall. However, it is recommended that you go to your dental check-ups at regular intervals. In these controls, the condition of your coatings is also evaluated.

Due to its porcelain material structure, it does not hold color. For this reason, there is no color change in porcelain lamina tooth coatings. It is applied to make your discolored teeth look more natural and white, and it offers an effective treatment because its material does not change color.

One of the most frequently asked questions by those who have their teeth covered is when to eat. It is important not to consume food for 1 hour after the procedure. This is a necessary precaution in order for the coating to be fixed and not damaged. After 1 hour, food and drink can be consumed.

It is normal to develop tooth sensitivity after porcelain veneers. Sensitivity reaction can be seen in the teeth due to the introduction of a new substance on the tooth. However, this is a temporary situation. If you feel such a situation, you can use painkillers recommended by your dentist.

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