Filling is applied to reveal the cheekbones and have more bony facial features. Thus, the face is prevented from looking sunken and clear lines are obtained.
In the filling process performed with the cheekbone fat injection method, fat tissues from a different part of your body are taken and centrifuged. It is then applied by injecting onto the cheekbone or certain areas of the cheek.

In applications that give volume to the face with fat injection, the necessary fat tissues are taken from the areas of the body that show excessive fat. These regions are areas such as hips, abdomen, waist, hips.

The permanence of the fillers applied to the face by fat injection may vary depending on which area of the face it is applied. The fat injection process to define the cheekbones maintains its permanence for a period of 6 to 18 months.

After the procedure is applied, you may notice a sharpening in your cheekbones. Within 1 week, the fat injection disperses and settles, becoming more natural and convenient. For this reason, it is necessary to wait 1 week to get the main result.

When fat is injected into the cheeks and cheekbones, the procedure lasts for an average of 1 year, but some of these fat tissues melt in the first 1-2 months. Melting is expected and necessary to make the process look more natural. The fat tissues that remain without melting are the real appearance of the process.

There is no harm in applying the cheekbone filling with the fat injection method to individuals over the age of 18. It is more suitable for people over the age of 30 to compensate for the volume losses on the face. If you want to define your facial features, you can choose this procedure.

Since your own tissues are used in fat injection applications, the possibility of side effects is eliminated. Fat cells applied to the subcutaneous tissue are more permanent than other fillers. Although some fat tissue is lost after the application, the permanence of the non-melting adipose tissue is high and its effect can be strengthened by repeated operation.

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