It is another name for prominent ear aesthetics. It is a procedure that provides the removal of deformities in the outer ear structure. In this method, forward folded or large ears are pulled to the desired position.

Ear shape is a genetic condition. If at least one of the parents has prominent ear appearance, it is likely to be seen in the child as well. There is no possibility of subsequent occurrence.

Ear development, which starts from birth, is completed at 5-6 years of age. This age is considered ideal for prominent ear aesthetics. Because the difficulties that the child may experience during the school period due to the ear appearance are eliminated.

After the operation, a bandage is applied to the ears. After an average of 3 days, the bandage is removed and the stitches are dressed every other day for 10 days. After 10 days, the stitches are removed and it is possible to return to daily life. During the recovery period, ear bands must be worn at night.

Sensitivity may be felt in the ear for 1 week after the operation. It is normal to have pain in the form of aches. In this process, any movement that harms the ears should not be done. Several weeks are required for a full recovery.

If you experience extreme pain, you should inform your doctor.

Sensitivity may be felt in the ear for 1 week after the operation. It is normal to have pain in the form of aches. In this process, any movement that harms the ears should not be done. Several weeks are required for a full recovery.

If you experience extreme pain, you should inform your doctor.

The percentage of reversal in operations performed by specialist doctors is very low. It is a permanent surgery. After removing the excess tissues and giving the ear its new position, it is completed by suturing. After this stage, it is not expected to return to its former state.

It is recommended that you pay attention to your lying position after the operation for prominent ear problem. Sleeping on your side can pose a danger to ear curls for a while. It is recommended to sleep on your back and wear earbands at night.

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