It is one of the chewing muscles in the jaw. It is the most prominent and powerful chewing muscle. It consists of two parts, superficial and prominent. We actively use this muscle when we eat. However, in some cases, this muscle may experience excessive contractions. You may experience strong contractions at night while you sleep or unconsciously. This causes strain on the jawbone.

It grows due to stress and genetic factors or behaviors such as excessive clenching, grinding, chewing gum, breaking hard objects with teeth. Botox is applied to these muscles to prevent growth.

The effect of the masseter botox procedure applied to people with teeth clenching problems lasts for an average of 3-6 months. Complaints are observed during the application, if it is insufficient, the procedure can be repeated and the amount of botox can be increased.

After masseter botox, it is necessary to pay attention to chewing movements for a while and not to chew hard foods. It is important to consume liquid, soft, pureed foods for 12 hours after the procedure and not to cause difficulties in chewing. It is also recommended to stay away from blood thinners for 24 hours. Not rubbing the area for the first 1 week prevents the botox from spreading to different areas.

Clenching is usually done involuntarily. The person is not aware that he is clenching his teeth and may notice the problem when he has jaw pain in the coming days. This is mostly caused by stress. Apart from stress, teeth clenching behavior may develop due to fatigue, muscle tension or depression.

While involuntary clenching or grinding of the teeth can be a periodic problem, in some cases it is seen for a long time and must be treated. Periodic muscle activity may disappear spontaneously after a while. For this reason, it would be correct to eliminate the stress factors.

Teeth clenching or grinding is a problem that can disrupt the jawbone and even the structure of the teeth. Therefore, it must be treated. However, the causes must be investigated first. If it is a situation caused by mental problems, it may be necessary to receive psychotherapies. If the person is in a state of fatigue or tension, it is recommended to rest for a while and not to stay in stressful environments. If all these are not a solution or an urgent solution is required, masseter botox is applied and the problem is eliminated for a long time.

The effects of this process are seen for about 4-6 months. After this period, it must be applied again. That is, it is applied twice a year. In some people, the effects may be weak after the first application. If there is such a situation, a second session may be required shortly after the first application.

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