Nose aesthetics applied to eliminate the defects in the structure of the nose is called rhinoplasty. It is a very comprehensive nose surgery. It is performed with two techniques, open and closed rhinoplasty.

In the open technique, the skin is lifted by making an incision under the nose, and the procedure is performed from here. In this technique, the doctor's field of view is wide and he can easily intervene.

In the closed technique, no incision is made from the outside of the nose, it is an operation performed by entering through the nostrils. The doctor's field of view is narrow and therefore more challenging than the open technique.

Nose surgeries can be performed for aesthetic purposes as well as in cases where breathing is difficult. Rhinoplasty is an operation that interferes with the nose in terms of both aesthetics and health.

Rhinoplasty is a comprehensive surgical operation and is permanent. The inner tissues of the nose are treated, configurations are made and excess cartilage tissues are removed. It is completed by sewing. Afterwards, there is no possibility of the nose returning to its original state.

Nasal filling procedures performed for aesthetic purposes in mild nasal curvatures are temporary solutions. Filling applications differ from rhinoplasty in that they do not interfere with health problems and are applied only by injection.

Rhinoplasty is a comprehensive surgical operation and is permanent. The inner tissues of the nose are treated, configurations are made and excess cartilage tissues are removed. It is completed by sewing. Afterwards, there is no possibility of the nose returning to its original state.

Nasal filling procedures performed for aesthetic purposes in mild nasal curvatures are temporary solutions. Filling applications differ from rhinoplasty in that they do not interfere with health problems and are applied only by injection.

With the nose rasping process, it is ensured that the prominent arch is straightened in people who do not have an excessive defect in the structure of the nose and only the nasal arch is prominent. If there is a drooping nose tip other than the prominent arch in your nose, this part is first pulled to a normal level and then the rasping process is started. Chisels or ultrasonic devices are used for rasping.

In general, it is recommended that all surgeries not be performed before the age of 18. Under normal circumstances, it is necessary to be 18 years old for rhinoplasty. However, due to health problems and considering the development of the nose, it can be done at the age of 16-17. Consulting your doctor for this would be the best decision.

Dissolving sutures are used in incisions made inside the nose. The stitches dissolve and disappear spontaneously within 1 week to 10 days after the operation.

The basic recovery period after the operation is 7-10 days. In this process, most of the effects such as edema, swelling and bruising on the face pass. You need to follow all the recommendations of your doctor and be careful. When you act carefully, you can get through the healing process more easily.

Although it varies from person to person, the settling of the surgical nose structure can take place in an average of 6 months.

For a few weeks after the operation, the nose is cleaned with special liquids given by the doctor. In this way, the remnants of blood formed and dried due to surgery are cleaned. This process should be applied gently. The nostrils should not be rubbed. After removing the tampon from your nose, it should be cleaned and moistened several times a day with the help of a moistened cotton swab.

The nose may bleed slightly after surgery. For this, a tampon is placed inside the nose. However, it is essential to keep your head elevated while lying down for the first 1-2 weeks. This precaution is important both for bleeding and for rapid healing. During the healing process, care should be taken not to make facial expressions.

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