Although the tooth structure is suitable for color retention, veneers do not hold color. Zirconium coating also does not change color, it stays in the tone it is applied to. Thus, you will have a clean and healthy tooth appearance for many years. You can safely consume coloring foods such as tea and coffee.

The most important feature of zirconium coating is that it is not metal supported. It has more light transmittance and allows it to look like a natural tooth. It is preferred for a more natural and aesthetic tooth appearance. The gingival compatibility of zirconium dental crowns is also better than porcelain veneers.

Dental veneers are generally solid. Zirconium veneer is also strong enough, but considering that natural teeth are also damaged by excessive stress, zirconium veneer can also be damaged in the same cases. For this reason, you should be careful not to break hard objects with teeth and avoid applications that damage the teeth.

Zirconium veneer is the safest way for people who are allergic to metal porcelain veneers. The fact that zirconium crowns have a high gingival compatibility and the most similar application to the tooth surface makes it both preferred and has a healthy appearance.

It is mostly applied for aesthetic purposes. In case the teeth whitening method is insufficient in tooth discoloration, zirconium veneer method can be applied on discrete and low-level crooked teeth, structural defects in teeth or fillings, prostheses on implants, bridges and veneers, worn teeth. If you have at least one of these problems, zirconium may be suitable for you.

Coatings are designed to be used for many years. When they need to be renewed as a result of gingival changes, they are removed by cutting them meticulously so as not to damage the teeth. Apart from that, you can use it for many years without having to be removed.

Considering bone and jaw development, it is considered appropriate to be done at the age of 18. Not recommended beforehand.

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