MAGICAL SHINES UNDER EYESFrom an early age, the number of people who complain of bruises and swelling under the eyes is quite high. For this reason,...

From an early age, the number of people who complain of bruises and swelling under the eyes is quite high. For this reason, it is very important to protect and eliminate dark circles that overshadow the beauty of our eyes.
Ringing that occurs mostly due to insomnia, fatigue, and city life can sometimes be caused by genetic factors, without environmental reasons. These problems under the eyes can be easily eliminated with under-eye light filling.
If you have problematic under-eye areas, the under-eye light filling technique, which you can choose, is one of the filling applications developed in recent years. The content of the filler consists of hyaluronic acid enriched with various amino acids, vitamins and minerals. It is the same as other fillings in terms of content. Since the application area differs, only the effects and causes of effect change.
With this process, the visibility of the bags formed due to the formation of dark circles by the veins under the eyes is reduced and a more even skin tone is obtained. Unlike other skin fillers, it is applied by injecting onto the bone. If you have bruises under your eyes that do not go away and you want to get rid of them quickly, the only effective solution instead of superficial measures is under-eye light filling.
Our impressive gaze is revealed by our eye shape, supported by our eye contour. The negative effects that will occur over time around our eyes shade our gaze and beauty. The problems that appear around our eyes are crow's feet, fine wrinkles, dark circles and bags under the eyes. Under-eye bruises are an important problem that does not depend on age and gender. The reasons can be very diverse.
The most common causes of dark circles under the eyes are fatigue and insomnia. When we do not get our regular sleep, circles and bruises begin to form under our eyes. Especially the tiredness of business life or the insomnia that comes with having a new baby also interferes with night sleep.
Although fatigue and insomnia are the most common causes, different situations can also cause under-eye discoloration. Reasons such as dehydration of your body and excessive sun exposure are also important.
In addition to all these, the age factor is one of the most difficult factors to control. As the age progresses, the dissolution of the bone structure and the reduction of the skin tissue are the important causes of darkening under the eyes. The most important factor that cannot be prevented and facilitates the appearance of dark circles at any age is genetics.
To protect yourself from bags and bruises, you started to get 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep at night, consumed plenty of water, protected from the sun… Aren't you going to face such a problem anymore? Unfortunately not quite so. It is not possible to completely prevent dark circles under your eyes, but you can lighten them with these measures. In addition, if it is due to your genes, unfortunately, drinking plenty of water or having a quality sleep will not be enough.
Although you cannot completely prevent its formation, you can eliminate this problem thanks to the filler applied under your eyes. You can have radiant under-eyes with the filling applied practically by the beauticians.
It is important that our flawless skin is of an even tone, which brings out the beauty of our eyes. Under-eye light filling also equalizes the skin tone here by filling the under-eye skin with the hyaluronic acid substance in it. This process reduces the visibility of dark circles under the eyes.
Darkness under the eyes becomes evident as the sensitive skin here gets thinner over time. Therefore, the filler material must be injected here. This is the main reason for getting rid of bruises under the eyes after the procedure.
You should know that when you have a filling under your eyes, it will be absorbed by the skin after a while, like other filling procedures. The light filling, which lasts for 12-18 months on average, will throw all your concealers away during this time. It is likely to be permanent by repeating the application several times. You can learn the number of sessions and the permanence of the procedure from the specialist who will perform the procedure as a more detailed examination.

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