GET FULLY FROM CELLULITEEspecially in the summer months, it is very natural that you want unwanted tissue damage in your body to disappear or not...

Especially in the summer months, it is very natural that you want unwanted tissue damage in your body to disappear or not occur at all. However, it is very difficult to maintain the healthy structure of the body during the winter months. You may not have paid attention to calories or carbohydrate content while consuming foods in winter. Genetically, the winter months are the nutrient storage months of our body. Although our food consumption decreases in the summer heat, the fatty and sugary foods we consume in the winter can damage our skin tissues.
Healthier tissues, a fit appearance, soft and well-groomed skin is everyone's wish. For this reason, cellulite appearances that settle on your upper legs or hip area can spoil your taste. In this case, instead of hiding your body, you can turn to appropriate treatment methods.

Cellulite is the appearance of bumpy, pitted skin like orange peel that occurs in certain parts of our body. Many people today have this problem due to processed foods, fatty foods, pastries and sweets. The blood circulation, which is affected by hormonal changes, insufficient fluid in the skin, feeding and growing of fat cells, also increases the damage in the connective tissues. It can be seen in women and men, but this rate is higher in women.
This appearance disorder in the skin is caused by the growth of fat cells surrounding the connective tissues under the skin. As they grow under the skin around the connective tissues in the long rope tension, an indented image appears.

There is no known clear treatment, but treatment can be possible with applications that increase blood circulation in areas with cellulite. There are varieties that can be applied at home or in clinical settings. However, it is necessary to get support from skin specialists for definitive results. The devices used in the clinical setting are mostly effective from the massages and brushing we do at home.
Clinical applications such as laser lipolysis, radiofrequency, mesotherapy and G5 massage can be used. The overgrown fat cells that cause cellulite can be removed from the body by these methods. Radio vibrations, heat given to the tissues and laser directly affect the fat cells and try to regulate the appearance of the skin. For fast and successful results
Dry brushing is the most common application recently to alleviate the appearance of orange peel skin and to prevent its formation. Horsehair brushes are the most recommended products for removing dead skin on the legs and increasing blood circulation. Dry brushing done in this way and massages with appropriate cellulite creams can relax the skin tissues. Of course, such applications work if they are done regularly and for a long time.

The G5 massage, which is used to eliminate this appearance, is performed with a medical device and is very effective. The device, which has a system that relaxes your skin and increases blood circulation, relaxes the tissues. Working with rhythmic vibrations, the G5 massage device ensures equal distribution of fat cells, tightening of skin tissues and smoothness of the skin. When excess fat tissues are removed, cellulite tissues also disappear.

If you are genetically predisposed, it is not possible to completely prevent it, but you can delay its occurrence. If you do not have cellulite and you are afraid of its formation, you can prevent it before it occurs with the precautions you will take at this stage.
First of all, you should definitely drink plenty of water. Consumption of plenty of water, which affects the entire system of the body, can prevent the appearance of orange peel. Consumption of water moisturizes the skin and accelerates blood circulation.
• Caffeine
You should limit caffeinated foods, especially coffee. You can avoid this situation if you consume as little coffee as possible. Because caffeine is considered one of the most important factors in the formation of cellulite.
Walking is a recommended exercise for the prevention of leg problems. If you increase your daily step count, you will both burn calories and provide weight control and increase blood circulation in your legs. Activities such as walking, jogging and cycling, which are important for strengthening muscles and burning fat in the body, are effective in preventing cellulite formation.
It is recommended that you do not wear clothes that will compress the skin tissue and affect blood circulation. You should choose clothes that are looser and more comfortable. It is always better to wear stretchy clothes that will not affect blood circulation.
It is necessary to increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits and to avoid excessive amounts of salty foods. Oily foods are also among those to be avoided. Excessively salty foods increase the edema in the body and provide water retention.

knows. This is where arm lift surgery comes into play and saves you from sagging skin tissue in your armpit and elbow area.

If there is excess adipose tissue accumulating under the skin, arm lift operations are started by removing fat. The loosened skin is stretched to the area where it should be and the excess part is cut off. For the surgery, the incision area is made in the area between the armpit and the elbow and from the inside of the arm. Since the stitch marks formed are on the lower part of the arm, they are not visible unless you lift your arm too much. These scars gradually lose their color over time and their visibility decreases. The procedure is performed under anesthesia.

It is possible to see sagging in the soft tissues of people who have weight problems or the postpartum period. The thigh region of the leg also has soft tissues. If you have excess fat tissue in your leg and suddenly lose a lot of weight, skin sagging may occur in your thigh area. These skin sagging begin to cause discomfort with the friction of the two legs and the irritation of the skin.
Leg aesthetics or leg stretching is the process of recovering sagging upper leg tissues so that you can have tight legs. An incision is made on the inside of your upper leg and the sagging tissues are collected here. Excess skin tissue is removed by cutting.

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